Tuesday, September 18, 2007

veni, vidi...and i'm back for more

So here I am, back at the drawing board, trying to make sense of my life in the big, bad city of New York. A lot of things have happened in the interim. I started my new job as a business analyst at the Prime Brokerage/Securities Lending arm of a major bank at Wall St (for the uninitiated, thats the division where banks trde and borrow stocks for hedge funds). The hours are definitely crazier, what with me having to reach office at 7:30 am, and staying till atleast 6/7 pm. Hence the delay in putting down any random gyan in the old blog...

Meanwhile, life goes on...Another government learns (again!) that give a man a loan, and you get a global sub-prime mortgage crisis. The average citizen, meanwhile, learns (again!) that greed is good, as long as a large enough number of people are greedy. You always have the govt. to bail you out during those annoying foreclosures. In the middle of all this, Wall St, of course, sells crap with an investment grade rating and gets another 50 basis points off the fed funds rate by Santa Bernanke. (Read this article for more - http://online.wsj.com/article/SB119016992710232040.html?mod=googlenews_wsj )
Alan Greenspan starts speaking to people who have not paid 50 grand to hear him, once again, and this time, somebody actually manages to translate him into English and bring out the most eagerly awaited book of the year (read the review http://www.latimes.com/features/books/la-et-book17sep17,0,3146931.story?coll=la-home-center )
A couple in delhi manufacture (don't ask how) babies from 12 yr old girls that they kidnap, then sell the babies. (see http://www.ibnlive.com/news/impact-police-arrests-delhis-baby-traders/47977-3.html)
Ram Gopal Verma manages to commit sacrilege all over again by daring to reinvent what is arguably the best hindi movie of all time, while the Big B indulges in his late life crisis....
Oprah cosies up to Obama (sorry Bill, my heart might beat for you but my purse opens for my fellow Chicagoan). SRK gets abs while Britney loses hers (along with her mind, and maybe her kids)...A beauty queen in North Carolina presents her credentials to become the next president of the United States, Vikram flatters to deceive in Bheema, while he just might redeem himself in Kandasamy ( this last re:tam movies, for everyone else)
Yep, life as know it, goes on...faster than I can even muse about it...but I'm gonna try, by God...and this time, a bit more regularly. So for the few stoned slackers who actually read my bilge (Jon Stewart, love u man)... heres the scoop...I'm back, and I'm worse than before...


Alam said...

dude you would be in business when we see your 5th post after this one and that only if it is sooner than 5 months from today ...

Alam said...

So you in the big world of finance ... try to forget those days that were spent on a course called ICMT :-))

all the best o you

bluesky said...

aggre with alam-nai

Abhinandan said...

Well.. quite a time..that you are back now..

I see where your time is going in.so another corporate contributor in shape...day in and day out...beefing up the profits of the brokerage/securities lending bank... :)..good going there..

from walstreet to what Alan Greenspan had to say..and what he did and what we don't know about him...takes a toll to read that book..with quite a load of economics...

The eventuality of baby manufacturing bites..but there is more to it than it looks at the outright...

The changing face of music and movies ..seems like you have managed to do quite a bit of reading in the interim...

Well...u will always get better than before...definitely not worse...

Only few things life get worse than before ..because we want them to...that is my scoop for u.....:)

have fun...with ur early morning and late evening walks along the wall street...

Blogging Friend said...
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Blogging Friend said...

Veni, vidi but no Vici...;) just kidding ...back with a bank..sorry bang...cheers and keep posting..