Thursday, January 1, 2009

Danny Boyle & Darren Aronofsky talk Slumdog and writing - awesome conversation between 2 of my favorite directors

Imagine the guys who made Trainspotting and Requiem for a dream imagine them discussing indian movies...the awesomeness boggles the mind till it can't boggle any more...
watch, and weep for not being so awesome (BTW Darren is dating Rachel Weisz, the hottest woman in the world after Kate Winslet...Please stand by while I shoot my pitiful, puny brains to smithereens)
'Isnt Shahrukh Khan married to the bond girl?'
'Thats another one...theres a good lot of them'

1 comment:

joezeon said...

happened to watch slumdog over the xmas weekend. its danny's masterpiece.