Friday, July 13, 2007

the wife and the parents - aggregate at your own risk

This June, my parents were visiting the US for the first time. As any son should be, I was happy, and full of plans for them to see this great city, and this great country. As any daughter-in-law should be, my wife was screwed.
But before I begin to explain why, let me tell you something about my family.
Consider this, Friday morning in Manhattan, my mother is planning on what to eat for the day, as both my parents fast that day, and eat strictly vegetarian food. My father is using Google Maps to figure out the best way to go to the Flushing Ganesha temple.
My wife, on the other hand, is getting ready to go to school, and afterwards, she'll come back, sleep for a bit, and get up at 10 pm, and we'll go out to the East Village, where a good time will be had by all. If u see a slim, 5'4'' girl dancing on top of a table in a pub at 3 am, that's my wife.

Now I hope u guys realize that these are two kinds of people that rarely ever mix, and if they do, in the immortal words of Russell Peters - Somebody gonna get hurt (in this case, me). What with the incessant grumbling of my wife over curious non-vegetarian smells coming from the kitchen (my parents eat non-veg except on the 'fasting' days), the subtle comments of my dad about the disorder and immaturity of my life, and my mother's solemn resignation of her fate and the fact that her son suddenly is refusing to eat her rice and sambar (i'm trying not to eat carbs, u see), LIFE, as I knew it, sucked.

However, now that I reflect, there were some good times that we had, when we went out as a family, when we went out to dinner or to a movie, and when my parents managed to strike a conversation with my wife. And ultimately, I guess, a little tension is the price you pay for having 2 generations under one roof.
Also, if any of you have parents, or relatives visiting from your motherland, I can now give you tips on how to handle them, and your spouse...


Nishant Kashyap said...

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

s.n.m said...

good post subbu...

Anon said...

Hilarious!! Though I can empathize with your condition, well dude, you had that coming :-P

Abhinandan said...

well i appreciate you seeing this through the glass of reality and conflict of interest.
However, didn't you see this coming naturally...:(
i guess you did. I am sure none of us can avoid dealing with the sandwich effect between parents and wife. However relating to your experience, i guess it is upto the son and daughter in law to make those small adjustments to keep the roof of family healthy.

I know rubbing the shoulders is bound to happen and son is stuck between parents and wife. So what next...Double role play....speak to Parents...speak to wife...and keep them going..

Avoid confronting the discussion with both parents and wife together....

Step in to save your wife...and save yourself from the friction and sandwich effect...

Well real experience and real times that u have had in between those good family times....

Cheers..thanks for sharing your experience...

Unknown said...

A complicated situation but I can vouch for it from the other side of the fence ...Not a pretty situation to be in !!!